CR2 Trainer (No Bluetooth Chip)

Product code: PHE1011

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Product description

Mimicking the functionality of a live Lifepak® CR2 defibrillator, the Lifepak® CR2 Trainer supports instructors and those learning basic life-saving skills. It is designed to guide trainers and students through sudden cardiac arrest trea™ent, familiarising all parties with the features Lifepak® CR2 defibrillators offer, such as CPR Coaching. The Lifepak® CR2 Trainer can also offer support for those in charge of maintaining and managing devices, as batteries and electrode pads can be easily removed and replaced. Its simulation offers students an opportunity to experience almost lifelike scenarios where defibrillation may need to occur, providing them with the knowledge and understanding of basic life-saving skills. The Lifepak® CR2 Trainer comes without the Bluetooth® chip.


12 months

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