Urgent Product Defect Correction

Please be advised that Stryker has initiated an Urgent Product Defect Correction for HeartSine® Samaritan® Public Access Defibrillators.

TGA Reference #: RC-2024-RN-00356-1 • ARTG #: 156690 – SAM 350P and SAM 500P | 228210 – SAM 360P • Product Field Action #: RA 3540155

What is the issue? 

A manufacturing related issue may impair device audio prompts. Stryker is issuing a customer notification to remind customers to follow the User Manual and power the device upon receipt to ensure the audio prompts function as intended.
Additional maintenance instructions are being issued a Maintenance Supplement to the User Manual, to ensure audio prompts function as intended:

Affected Products: 

HeartSine® samaritan Public Access Defibrillators 350P, 360P and 500P.


The issue could prevent the device from delivering instructional voice prompts to the user during use of the device; however, the visual instructional icons will still be present and functioning. There has been one reported adverse event to date in which the device failed to deliver audio prompts. There have been no adverse events reported in Australia/New Zealand.

Maintenance Supplement

Additional maintenance instructions are being issued as a Maintenance Supplement to the User Manual, to ensure audio prompts function as intended. These can be downloaded below in the Resources section.

Follow these steps below to comply with the correction:

Simple Steps to Identify & Power Cycle Device

As part of the maintenance check, we recommend to perform steps 5-8 every 3 months. You do not need to remove the AED from its case.



Locate the Serial Number

If your device serial number prefix is present within the table on this letter, please
perform the following steps to check your device delivers audio prompts.



Check the Expiration Date

(YYYY-MM-DD) on the rear of the Pad-Pak. If the expiration date has passed, do not use and immediately replace the expired
Pad-Pak. If it is within expiration date, please skip step 3 and 4.



Install the Pad Pad

Place the HeartSine samaritan PAD face up on a flat surface and slide the Pad-Pak into the HeartSine samaritan PAD until you hear the “double click” to indicate that the tabs on the right and left sides of the Pad-Pak are fully engaged.



Check green light

Verify that the green Status indicator is blinking to indicate the initial self-test routine has been performed and the device is ready for use.



Press the On/Off button to turn on the device

Listen for, but do not follow, the voice prompts to
ensure that no warning messages are played and that the device prompts are in the expected



Hear the prompt & Contact us if you do not hear a prompt

• If you hear the message “Adult patient”, or “Call for medical assistance” no further action is needed.
• If you do not hear a prompt, contact your Authorised
Distributor or postmarketssp@strkyer.com



Turn the device off

Press the On/Off button to turn off the HeartSine samaritan PAD. Verify that the status indicator is flashing green. If you have not heard a warning message and the status indicator continues to flash green, the device is ready for use.



Repeat steps 5 – 7 every 3 months

HeartSine Technologies recommends that the user carries out this check (Step 5-
Step 7) once every three months. This can be carried out quickly without removing
the AED from its case.

If any other warning messages are played, or you see a red flashing status indicator, please refer to User Manual (General Troubleshooting).

Product Correction Resources

Please find all downloadable resources required for this product correction below:

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)