The HeartSine Samaritan 500P public access defibrillator is designed to analyse heart rhythm and automatically deliver an electrical shock if it determines one is needed. Voice prompts guide you through the process of defibrillation and through CPR, prompting you to “Push Harder”, “Push Faster”, “Push Slower” or whether you are doing “Good Compressions”. About 70% of all CPR is ineffectively performed, so the HeartSine Samaritan 500P Defibrillator is the best possible choice for a Public Access AED. There are people alive today that have been saved by the HeartSine Samaritan 500P… and others who have the comforting knowledge that they did everything they could.
Learn how this revolutionary technology provides real-time visual and verbal feedback to a rescuer on the depth and rate of chest compressions during a Sudden Cardiac Arrest. Imported into Australia by Aero Healthcare. Arrange a quote now on 1800 628 881
500P specs
Find Out more about the HeartSine 500P’s CPR Advisor: